About Us
Ms. Mehtap Fatma Tarakci Sonmez
Born : 15/12/1966
Birthplace : Tosya, Kastamonu, Turkey
Education :
Primary School : 1972-1977 Dirgine Yazicik
Middle School : 1977-1980 Adapazari Merkez
High School : 1980-1983 Bolu Atatürk
University-Faculty : 1983-1988 Istanbul-Law
Practice of Law : 1988-1989 Ankara Bar Association
Attorney Certificate : 27/12/1989 Ankara Bar Association
Patent-Trademark Attorney
Certificate : 09/05/1998 Turkish Patent Institute
Experience :
Founded by Ms. Mehtap F. Tarakci Sonmez in 1990, TARAKCI
Attorneys at Law is one of Turkey's law firms. Located in
Ankara, it represents and provides legal services to its
clients over 25 years, in family law, contract law, criminal
law, commercial law, business law, administirative law and
tax law
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